Health Investigations

Do you know the difference between:

a JMO and a VMO;

a NUM and MUM;

Oprah and AHPRA?

Of course you do…and so do we.

We are health sector experts and we are here to help.

  • Profile Picture of Alex Tawfiq, founder of Insight Investigations

    Alex Tawfiq

    17 years as a Senior Investigation Manager in NSW Health

    Solicitor (non-practicing)

    CAPI Masters and Operators Licence

    Certificate IV in Government Investigations

    Certificate III in Investigation Services

  • Profile Picture of Amanda Hadley, Principal Investigator at Insight Investigations

    Amanda Hadley

    14 years a Senior Investigation Officer and Investigation Manager with the Health Care Complaints Commission

    1 year as Senior External Relations Officer with the NSW Ministry of Health

    CAPI Operators Licence

    Certificate III in Investigation Services

Due to our many years of experience conducting health sector investigations you won’t need to explain the intracicies of the health system. We understsand how the system works and we are ready to take your most difficult investigations off of your hands and hit the ground running. We can help you with the following:

  • Investigating serious allegations of employee misconduct.

  • Managing clinical investigations and obtaining relevant and appropriate clinical advice.

  • Assessing systemic issues in a broad range of health areas, including pharmacy, pathology, mental health and allied health.

  • Investigating obstetric and midwifery care, interpreting foetal heart rate graphs and escalation criteria.

  • Engaging and obtaining information from bereaved family members and distressed staff.

  • Reporting complex clinical information in a way that can be understood by all parties.

  • Understanding the complexity of health systems and the competing demands on staffing, resources and patient expectations.

  • Making realistic and measurable recommendations for systems improvements at hospitals and mental health facilities and auditing the implementation of systems improvements, including evaluating the effectiveness of the changes.

  • Conducting investigations in circumstances where litigation and other formal processes, including criminal investigations, professional services audits and pending coronial inquests are on foot or will likely arise.


Contact Insight Investigations today to assist with your health sector investigation.